Join us this Mother’s Day for Baby Dedications
May 13, 2018
We celebrate Moms! Join us this Mothers Day, May 13, 10:30am for a very special Sunday of honoring moms. We’re also having a special baby dedication service for any family wanting to commit their child to God before the church as their little ones grow up. We pray over each child, mom and dad, and give each child their “first Bible” as a memory token of their dedication.
Also, our Pastor’s wife and first lady, Tiffany Markum will be bringing a Mothers Day message that will bless and encourage you!
If you are interested in participating in our Baby Dedication, you can register below! All children being dedicated will prayed over, receive their “first Bible”, and special gift for mom.
At LifeCity Church, we dedicate babies. For us, this means:
– Mom and/or Dad commit to raising their child to the best of their ability to know God for themselves.
– Mom/Dad commit to being a godly example that their child can follow.
– We as a church family commit to being a support system for the whole family.
– We as a church family commit to pray for child and parent regularly.
– We ask God to bless, protect, guide, and pour His favor over child and family.