We want to help you make a connection at Life Valley Community Church!
Sundays at 9am &11am!
Thinking about giving Life Valley a try? We want to make it easy! Visiting a church shouldn’t be awkward or intimidating. Here are a few things we’d like to offer in order to help you have the best experience possible when you check out our church family.
- We are a casual, come-as-you-are kind of church. You don’t have to dress any differently than if you were going to meet up with some friends! Please, relax, dress comfortably, and have confidence that you won’t look out of place if you wear jeans and a Star Wars t-shirt!
- We are passionate about our faith! Our worship gatherings feature powerful music that might make you want to clap your hands, tap your foot, or sing along – all of which are encouraged! But you can participate at whatever level feels comfortable to you. You’re welcome to simply sit and listen, if you prefer.
- Our teaching is always practical, and Bible based. We believe the scriptures to be the most life-giving, life-changing message in the world! Our sermons always feature teaching that is relevant to your everyday life – straight from the Bible. No matter where you are in your faith, the sermons will be something that make sense to you, and helps you in your own personal faith journey.
- We only expect you to come, enjoy yourself. We take an offering every Sunday that supports the works of our church. We never expect guests to give! Feel free to let the basket pass by you, guilt-free. Also, you’ll notice a lot of our people talking and connecting before and after our worship gatherings. Feel free to jump in when you are ready! We look forward to getting to know you at your pace.
Fill out our virtual connect card and let us know about your visit!