Football Sunday
We will be having a “Football Sunday” service. Come enjoy our normal worship service experience but with a twist. Come sporting your favorite team jersey. No matter if they are in the big game or not. At LifeCity there will be good food like you’d find at a game, coffee, good music and even better preaching. It will be a great way to start your game day!
3000 Benton St
Santa Clara, CA
Time: 10:30AM
Sneak Peak:
LifeCity Church as a community will be going through the scriptures in 2019. Here is the month of January for you. Weekly readings are a 5-day week. This allows 2 days a week for you to have “off” or for you to catch up if you missed a day. Enjoy the Bible readings over your morning coffee, right before bed, at lunch break, etc. Whenever and wherever is best for you. Each day should take about 15 minutes to 30 minutes of time. We will begin Monday, January 7th! So invite friends and family members to join you!
January Reading Plan:
Week 1:
Day 1: Genesis 1-5
Day 2: Genesis 6-10
Day 3: Genesis 11-13
Day 4: Genesis 14-18
Day 5: Genesis 19-22
Week 2:
Day 1: Genesis 23-26
Day 2: Genesis 27-31
Day 3: Genesis 32-36
Day 4: Genesis 37-39
Day 5: Genesis 40-44
Day 1: Genesis 23-26
Day 2: Genesis 27-31
Day 3: Genesis 32-36
Day 4: Genesis 37-39
Day 5: Genesis 40-44
Week 3:
Day 1: Genesis 45-50
Day 2: Exodus 1-4
Day 3: Exodus 5-9
Day 4: Exodus 10-14
Day 5: Exodus 15-17
Day 1: Genesis 45-50
Day 2: Exodus 1-4
Day 3: Exodus 5-9
Day 4: Exodus 10-14
Day 5: Exodus 15-17
Week 4:
Day 1: Exodus 18-22
Day 2: Exodus 23-28
Day 3: Exodus 29-31
Day 4: Exodus 32-36
Day 5: Exodus 37-40
Day 1: Exodus 18-22
Day 2: Exodus 23-28
Day 3: Exodus 29-31
Day 4: Exodus 32-36
Day 5: Exodus 37-40
Feb '18
NextSteps, Feb. 25
Feb '18
February 25, 2018 – 6:00 pm
Pastor John’s house
Join us for NextSteps! A fun and casual class that takes place over dinner at Pastor John’s home for those who want to know more about LifeCity, what we believe, or how you can get connected. Take your next step with God and LifeCity! Join us Sunday, February 25, 6pm. The event is free, and dinner and childcare are provided.
or indicate your RSVP on a Connection Card this Sunday!
Sunday, February 25, 6:00pm
Jan '18
21 Days of Prayer, Jan. 14
Jan '18
Jan. 14 – Feb. 3
6:00 am
What would happen if we collectively sought God as a church family, and asked His blessing, guidance, and peace into our lives, and those across our church family? We believe in prayer! For these 21 days, we’re encouraging everyone to join us for corporate and individual prayer time. We’re also encouraging everyone to consider fasting for a few meals, or even a few days – if able.
Dec '17
NextSteps, Dec. 17
Dec '17
December 17, 2017 – 6:00 pm
Pastor John’s house
Join us for NextSteps! A fun and casual class that takes place over dinner at Pastor John’s home for those who want to know more about LifeCity, what we believe, or how you can get connected. Take your next step with God and LifeCity! Join us Sunday, August 13, 6pm. The event is free, and dinner and childcare are provided.
or indicate your RSVP on a Connection Card this Sunday!
Sunday, December 17, 6:00pm
Nov '17
Rooted Celebration!, Mon. Dec. 11
Nov '17
Join us, Monday, Dec. 11, 6;30pm, at East Valley Church, San Jose – for the final gathering for all of our Rooted LifeGroups! This has been a very meaningful experience so far, and as we wind down to end the term, we want to bring all our groups together to encourage one another, enjoy a meal, and celebrate what God did through all our groups!
2827 Flint Ave,
San Jose, CA
Nov '17
Thanksgiving Basket Packing
Nov '17
Monday, Nov. 20, 6:30pm
Montague Elementary School
Our Thanksgiving Basket Outreach is coming up soon, and we need your help packing up over 150 Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need! Together, we serve – and our community experiences Christ’ love through us. We’ll need help in assembly lines filling each basket with the appropriate items, packaging them properly, and writing hand-written cards wishing each family a great Thanksgiving. Children are welcomed and encouraged to participate! See you at the Montague Elementary cafeteria.
Oct '17
Fall Back! Nov. 5!
Oct '17
Glory to God! It’s time to gain an hour of sleep back (kinda)! Don’t forger to set your clocks to take advantage of the extra hour we gain from setting our clocks back one hour. If you forget, you may accidentally become a part of the setup crew that Sunday. And of course, if you are the parent of young children, we’re sorry that this has no meaning to you! Don’t worry – we’ll still have coffee for you to enjoy, even if you don’t get to sleep in any later!
Oct '17
Communion: Sunday, Nov. 5
Oct '17
Join us this Sunday, November 5, 10:30am, as we participate in communion together. Communion (aka, “The Lord’s Supper”) is an opportunity that we participate in as a memorial of Jesus’ dying on our behalf on the cross by taking a piece of bread (symbolizing His broken body) and drinking a small cup of grape juice (symbolizing His shed blood). We do this together about once every other month.
All those who have put their faith and trust in Christ are welcomed to participate with us in communion. This is always a great time for our church family to bond together over our common identity in Jesus.
Things you may consider doing in advance to be prepared to participate include:
– Praying and turning over any unconfessed sin to God. Come to communion with a pure heart.
– Seek to repair any relationships where needed and possible.
– Read Luke 22:14-20, one of the recorded accounts of the last supper, which we do communion in memorial of.
– Some like to fast for a day or even just that morning beforehand. While this isn’t something we push, it is a meaningful experience for those who do so.
We’ll see you Sunday!
Oct '17
Potluck Sunday! Oct. 29
Oct '17
Oct. 29, 10:30am
Join us Sunday, Oct. 29, for our regular worship time, and bring a dish to share for lunch afterward in the SCHS Quad. Make enough for your family, plus a few so that everyone gets to try a little bit of everything. This is a great opportunity for us to connect as a church family with no agenda other than to enjoy food and fellowship together. Don’t miss it!